Hydropulseur/Irrigateur buccal

Hydropulseur/Irrigateur buccal


Ozone Water Flosser Advanced nettoie en profondeur et détoxifie sous la ligne des gencives.Sa technologie unique d'eau ozonisée utilise de l'eau ozonée enrichie de microbulles pour aider à éliminer les bactéries de la plaque pour des gencives plus saines.Les intensités personnalisables aident à éliminer la plaque et les restes de particules alimentaires dans votre bouche.Les flux personnalisés permettent également un nettoyage personnalisé : Multi-Jet pour un nettoyage complet, Focused pour un nettoyage ciblé, Rotational pour le massage des gencives.Le mode offre un meilleur contrôle sur le flux d'eau, vous permettant de libérer de l'eau uniquement lorsque vous en avez besoin pour une expérience plus facile et moins salissante.L'unité portable haut de gamme sans fil à corps unique améliore la portabilité, tandis que le réservoir d'eau à configuration arrière permet un accès et un remplissage faciles.

La technologie de l'eau à l'ozone cible et aide à éliminer les bactéries de la plaque pour des gencives plus saines et la soie dentaire traditionnelle ne peut pas atteindre, aidant à prévenir la mauvaise haleine, les maladies des gencives et la carie dentaire.

Electrolytic Ozone Water Generator Factory Best pour la parodontite Care sans fil Ozone Irrigator Irrigator Water Flosser-copy

Electrolytic Ozone Water Generator Factory Best for Periodontitis Care Cordless Ozone Oral Irrigator Water Flosser Micro Nano Bubbles Electrolytic Ozone Water Generator Factory Best for Plaque Removal Cordless Ozone Oral Irrigator Water Flosser

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Micro Nano Bubbles Electrolytic Ozone Generator Water Generator Best for Orthodontic Cleaning Ozone Irrigator-copy

Micro Nano Bubbles Electrolytic Ozone Water Generator Factory Best for Orthodontic Cleaning Ozone Oral Irrigator Micro Nano Bubbles Electrolytic Ozone Water Generator Factory Best for Periodontitis Care Cordless Ozone Oral Irrigator Water Flosser

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Usine de générateur d'eau électrolytique Ozone Best pour la prévention des cavités sans fil Ozone Irrigator Irrigator Water-Copy

Electrolytic Ozone Water Generator Factory Best for the Preventing Cavities Cordless Ozone Oral Irrigator Water Flosser Micro Nano Bubbles Electrolytic Ozone Water Generator Factory Best for Orthodontic Cleaning Ozone Oral Irrigator Water Flosser

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Electrolytic Ozone Water Generator Factory Best pour la parodontite Care sans fil Ozone Irrigator Irrigator Water Flosser-copy

Electrolytic Ozone Water Generator Factory Best for Periodontitis Care Cordless Ozone Oral Irrigator Water Flosser Micro Nano Bubbles Electrolytic Ozone Water Generator Factory Best for the Preventing Cavities Cordless Ozone Oral Irrigator Water Flosser

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Fabricant Mieux pour le traitement de la désinfection orale sans fil Voyage électrique Ozone Irrigator Ozone Water Flosser-copy

Manufacturer Best for the Treatment of Oral Disinfection Cordless Electrial Travel Ozone Oral Irrigator ozone Water Flosser Electrolytic Ozone Water Generator Factory Best for Periodontitis Care Cordless Ozone Oral Irrigator Water Flosser

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Eau d'ozone électrolytique Mieux pour le traitement de la désinfection orale Ozone Irrigator oral Ozone Water Flosser-copy

High Frequency Vibration Cleaning Electrolytic Ozone Water Generator Manufacturer Best for the Treatment of Oral Disinfection Cordless Electrial Travel Ozone Oral Irrigator Water Flosser

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Nettoyage de vibrations à haute fréquence Nettoyage électrolytique Générateur d'eau Ozone Fabricant Best pour le traitement de la saprodontia Cordles-copy

High Frequency Vibration Cleaning Electrolytic Ozone Water Generator Manufacturer Best for the Treatment of Tooth Decay Cordless Electric Travel Ozone Oral Irrigator Water Flosser

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Nettoyage des vibrations à haute fréquence Nettoyage électrolytique Générateur d'eau du générateur d'eau Meilleur pour le traitement de la saprodontia-copy

High Frequency Vibration Cleaning Electrolytic Ozone Water Generator Manufacturer Best for the Treatment of Saprodontia Cordless Electric Travel Ozone Oral Irrigator Water Flosser

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Trois couleurs classiques noir blanc bleu meilleur pour le traitement de la saprodontia sans fil Ozone irrigator ozone water fdule-copy

High Frequency Vibration Cleaning Electrolytic Ozone Water Generator Manufacturer Best for the Treatment of Saprodontia Cordless Electric Travel Ozone Oral Irrigator Water Flosser The emergence of electrolytic ozone dental punch is the latest breakthrough in this process. It generates ozone by electrolysis of water, which can effectively kill bacteria and remove dental plaque, while avoiding the use of chemical agents, ensuring the safety of the human body and the environment. This is not only a better guarantee for oral health, but also in line with environmental protection and health trends, bringing users a safer, convenient and sustainable choice.

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Trois couleurs classiques bleu blanc blanc électrolytique ozone eau mieux pour la prévention des cavités sans fil ozone irrigato-copy

It can be said that from the traditional way of brushing to today's high-tech flossers, oral care has evolved from mere cleaning to all-round health maintenance, ensuring that people not only have clean teeth, but also a healthy oral environment.

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Trois couleurs classiques BlackBluewhite Electrolytique Ozone Eau mieux pour le traitement de la carie dentaire Ozone Ozone Irrigtor-copy

Indeed, oral cleaning technology has been constantly advancing. Initially, people relied heavily on manual brushing, followed by the addition of cleaning aids such as mouthwash and flossing. With the development of technology, the emergence of dental flossers has improved the effectiveness of oral cleaning, especially in the cleaning of teeth and gum grooves. And then, some products began to add cleaning tablets and other auxiliary materials to further enhance the sterilization and cleaning effect. The emergence of the electrolyzed ozone flosser is the latest breakthrough in this process. It generates ozone through electrolysis of water, which is able to effectively sterilize and remove plaque, while avoiding the use of chemicals and ensuring safety for the human body and the environment. This is not only a better guarantee for oral health, but also in line with environmental and health trends, giving users a safer, more convenient and sustainable choice.

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Eau d'ozone électrolytique Mieux pour le nettoyage de dents Ozone Irrigator Irrigator Flasse d'ozone Générateur d'ozone Copie d'eau

AO3 ozone water flosser is dedicated to kill 99% harmful bacteria in the mouth and fresh breath, remove plaque and brighten teeth, reduce gum bleeding and inflammation, promote oral cell tissue healing and rebuild healthy oral ecosystem. These significant functions make Ozone Water Flosser an ideal choice for people who are seeking for oral health and would like to prevent oral diseases.

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